When regularly announcing campaigns on WordPress, it is not efficient to display or remove banner ads for each campaign individually.
Therefore, it’s better to set the advertisement to display only initially and make it invisible once the campaign ends. This way, for the next campaign, you only need to replace the image and destination link, which is much simpler.
Additionally, if you set the campaign banner just below the header, you only need to work on one location, and the task can be completed in about three minutes.
Now, here are the specific steps. Please note that the screen is displayed in English, but the operation positions remain the same.
まず最初に、Woocommerceの製品ページをEdit with Elementor から開きます。
First, open the WooCommerce product page using Edit with Elementor.

Next, select the header section and display the header editing screen.

今回は既に過去に作成済のバナー画像が非表示の状態になっていますので、作業ができるように表示状態に切り替えます。2番目の Selection がバナーのパーツjになりますので選択し、Advance タブに切り替えます。
Click on “Navigator” at the bottom of the left control menu, and the Navigator window will appear on the right.
In this case, a previously created banner image is already in a hidden state, so switch it to a visible state to make it editable.
The second Selection corresponds to the banner part, so select it and switch to the Advanced tab.

スクロールして、Responsive タブを表示させ、全デバイスで非表示(Hide)になっている箇所を表示(Show)に変更します。すると、グレーアウトされていたバナーがアクティブになります。
Scroll down to display the Responsive tab, and change the setting from Hide to Show for all devices. This will activate the banner that was previously grayed out.

Once the banner is activated, click on the image in the banner. Then, click on the banner displayed in the menu on the left side.

Select the banner for the campaign you will use this time.

バナーをクリックした時のリンク先を忘れずに変更して、Update ボタンを押すと反映は完了です。
Don’t forget to update the link destination for the banner when clicked. Once done, click the Update button to apply the changes.

キャンペーンが終了した時点で、Responsive の Show を Hide に切り替えるだけでOKです。
When the campaign ends, simply switch Show to Hide in the Responsive tab, and you’re all set.